Sep 30, 2010

September 2010

Our Big Fundraiser

On September 11th, one of our national holidays, we had a fundraiser to raise money to buy blocks for our new church building. The initial planning for this day began with the church's Fundraising Committee, headed by Ulpiano Leal. As the time drew nearer, more and more people became involved and we even had sub committees branching out of the Fund Raising Committee. Just to watch everyone coming together, planning and then executing their plans was a blessing. When God's people join together to do his will it will be a success. It was such a fun day; there were many churches there enjoying the sporting competition, the delicious variety of food and pastries and the worship happenning under the big tent. Even the kids were lining up to get their face painted and the ladies to get their nails painted. At the end of the day (about 9:00 p.m.) we were all tired but blessed. The day was a success and we thank God for giving us a beautiful day that we could celebrate with fellow Christians.

The Work Team's Arrival

On the 18th we had a work team come in to help us lay blocks for our new church. This team was headed by Rev. Mark Lambert and Rev. Charlie Joe Green. They brought two ladies along to assist, Charity and Tracy. This team worked, and worked and worked for that week they were here and even though I know they enjoyed their trip to Belize I know they must have been glad to go back home and rest. We thank God for them and their families and the sacrifice they made to give of their time, energy and finances to help us with our new church building. Thank you guys!

Sep 13, 2010

July 2010

VBS & Revival

These are two activities many people look forward to every year. VBS gives us a chance to share God with the children of our community in a fun-filled, safe and comfortable environment. It also give us an opportunity to spend some time getting to know the new members of the visiting team and to catch up with those who are not-so-new to the VBS experience. Plus we also have our revival services this same week in the evenings. We had a new team this year for VBS and it was good because although we look forward to seeing our old friends but like making new ones too. They worked well with our Sand Hill volunteers and were even able to be a part of our revival service for the first night. Once again, we invited Pastor Williams to speak and this time he even brought his church along to visit with us. We had a busy week doing VBS in the daytime and Revival in the night-time but it left us with a good feeling. When you get involved in doing God's work it normally does that to you.

Camp 2010

"Joseph's Journey from Prison to Palace" was indeed a blast. Our Methodist Protestant Church Camp 2010 was held at Kindred Spirits from July 19th - 23rd this year and we had approximately 97 persons at camp this year. It was a spirit-filled week for both the campers and the volunteers and God's blessing and guidance was clearly visible as every dart thrown our way by Satan hit a brick wall. The excitement that came with having it at a different location than previous years, plus the thought of minimal sleep, endless activities and good food all in a spiritual environment was certainly something the youths were looking forward to. Just getting there was an adventure in itself as we had so many campers that we had to get a separate truck just to take the luggage to the camp site.

Our volunteers did an exemplary job; working hard to set up their area from the night before and helping out in other areas when the need arose. They woke up early, went to bed late and just kept going, and going, and going ... Our cooks must be mentioned as they provided us with three delicious meals everyday for the entire week, topping it off with a grand turkey dinner and desert the last night.

For the nightly services we had a special worship team from the Cayo area come in to lead us in songs and testimony and our speakers, Rev. Louis Wade and Pastor Scott Stirm touched the heart of our youths with their messages that it brought them to tears. Many of our youths from the different churches made a commitment to Christ at camp this year and we need to keep them in our prayers and under our wings. Some of them even ended up on Plus TV, a Christian TV Station owned by Rev, Louis Wade, sharing their experience at camp this year and testifying about what God has done in their lives. Of special mention is that for the first time this year we had youths from Fireburn attend camp. We were blessed by their presence and they also received a blessing at our Methodist Protestant camp 2010. We know that they will be back next year for sure.

Our youths are the future of our church and having a week filled with Christian activities planned especially for them goes further that anyone of us can understand or imagine. We got a little taste of that this week ... but isn't that so like God; his blessing are so bountiful that we cannot begin to understand or imagine them. Ephesians 3:20 (King James Version) Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us.

Sep 3, 2010

38th Annual Methodist Protestant Conference

Just a brief summary below of our conference this year:

On Saturday, August 14th the Belize Methodist Protestant Conference held its 38th Annual Conference. Six of the seven churches in the conference attended the conference. The churches represented at the conference were August Pine Ridge, Fireburn, Guinea Grass, Hattieville, San Lazaro and Sand Hill. There was no representation from the Progresso church. The posts of President, Secretary and Treasurer were up for re-election this year. Those present unanimously agreed to have those persons who previously held the positions to remain in them. The President of the Belize Methodist Protestant Conference remains Rev. Claudio Leal, Yolanda Davis keeps her post as the conference Secretary and Oswin Blease is once again the Treasurer of the conference. All three persons are from Sand Hill Zion Methodist Protestant Church. Please keep all seven churches in your prayer especially the pastors and their families as they lead their congregation.

Jun 22, 2010

Fathers On The Ball

"Fathers On The Ball" was our theme for this year's Father's Day service. We had all the fathers sit in the front as we wanted them to be able to see all we had planned for them. We did a theme based on the ongoing, and very popular, FIFA World Cup 2010. Our fathers were thrilled with the theme and, by their own admission, really enjoyed the service. The stage was decorated like a mini football field and we had large footballs on the walls throughout the church with a cross in the middle of them. We chose this theme because we believe that there are many fathers among us who are "on the ball" meaning, they are living godly lives and being a great examples to their children as well as others around them. We wanted to encourage them to continue doing this and also to inspire future fathers. We went all out: Ms. Alice led the service in her football shirt, our ushers seated people wearing their football shirts and our musicians were clad in their football clothing as well. Our youth group took the opportunity to share with our fathers and ended with the presentation of a look-alike "Jabulani" ball to our Pastor as the "coach" of our church. The word "Jabulani" means "bringing joy to everyone" and our Pastor was indeed joyful when he received this special ball signed by the entire youth group. Not to be outdone, our ladies group ran down the aisles in their football shirts. Each of them representing a different member of a football team. They brought to light the unique skills and responsibilities of each player and how those positive qualities can be carried over to being godly fathers. There were many others who made presentations and we were all blessed by them. Our service ended with a short and funny message presented by Mrs. Gloria Vaccaro followed by the presentation of a token to each father. We had fun planning and hosting this service for our fathers. I think they were blown away!! Ladies, ladies, ladies. You truly outdid yourselves this time! (Smile)

Visit to Crooked Tree Church

On April 25th we joined with a Crooked Tree church for our monthly singspiration service. This service was held in Crooked Tree Village and the church was packed to capacity. We had an enjoyable time singing and sharing with each other and look forward to many more visits at this church. As our members continue to pray for our church may we also remember this church and its members.

Jun 10, 2010

May Highlights!!

Appreciating Ms. Sally
On Friday, May 7th, our church took the time to appreciate a very special lady in our midst, Ms. Juanita Sampson (better known as Ms. Sally). We knew that she had commitments elsewhere but we made the most of her for the 11 months we had her. She is no stranger to our church but for the last few years has been in the United States working for the Lord. We know that she will be back with us but we did not want her to leave without showing and sharing with her how appreciative we are of her and and continuous contribution to our church and its various ministries. Ms. Sally, you are always in our prayers and we can't wait for you to visit us again.

Baptism SundayBegins
At our Board Meeting in February it was decided that beginning in the month of May, the 3rd Sunday of every month would be designated as the Sunday to do blessings of babies. We are honored to have these babies being blessed in our church and pray for God's guidance for their parents and that these children will grow up to be strong men and women of God.

Strong Men Tour
For the dates May 17 - 27th the Belize Strong Men Tour Rallies were held at various locations throughout the country of Belize. The goal of these rallies is to present to men what a Strong Man of God really looks like through teaching, exhortation, relationship and examples. the men who attended were challenged to take up their leadership positions as designed by God and to be a light for those around them who are lost. Our Pastor, Rev. Claudio Leal, was a part of the planning team for these rallies and our Men's Group attended the rallies in Orange Walk Town and Belize City. Go ZMPC men!!! We are proud of you for taking on this very important and necessary challenge!!

Marriage on the Rocks
Our couples night session was held on May 28th and we were excited to start the new series, "Marriage on the Rocks". We were not disappointed as this new series, from the looks of things, will indeed assist us in having marriages that are built on the most solid rock of all - Jesus Christ. So come out couples if you want to learn more and enjoy a great time with other couples who are interested in building their marriages on the rock. Please don't forget to complete your homework for the next session!

May 13, 2010

Mother's Day 2010

Us mothers look forward to this special day set aside to honor just us. Our Men's Group plans and coordinates this event for our church every year and we were blessed by what they had prepared for us. They had a packed church as there were over 60 mothers and their respective families present. The men shared some special readings, songs and poem which uplifted and encouraged us to continue to be godly mothers who served as great examples for our children and those around us.

Thank you men for taking the time to plan such a beautiful service for us. It is a blessing to see so many godly men in our church each Sunday and even more so to see them come together to honor the mothers in their midst.

In closing the Men's Group president, Mr. Oswin Blease, jokingly challenged the Ladie's Group to to do a better job for the Father's Day service in June than they did for this wonderful service. Good luck ladies!!