Jun 30, 2007

Father’s Day 2007

Father’s Day service was a blast!! The father’s shocked us in a good way. We had a total of 34 fathers in church for their special service and they along with their families broke the record by having more people in attendance that we had for Mother’s Day service. This is the most fathers we have ever had in church as far back as can be remembered. Too often these services turn into an event where the fathers in attendance are chastised for not doing enough and are held responsible for the ills of our society. Not this service!! Lisa decorated the church in an attractive blue and the ladies group prepared a wonderful service honoring fathers and celebrating their roles as leaders of their families and households. They were encouraged to keep up the good work and to seek help if they were unsure of what to do and most of all to keep showing up to church. To show our appreciation they were all given a flashlight as a take-home gift and also as a reminder that God commands them to lead and to be the guiding light of each of their families. Eva, Pat, Lisa and John Jr. (4 of Mrs. Reyes’ children) brought some humor into the service by acting out a skit with a strong message: “If you turn out well, thanks your father”. They did such a good job that we have already given them notice that they have been selected to prepare another skit for our special Christmas service.

The ladies group also took this day to honor one of the fathers who has been a part of our church for more years that we can count. Mr. James Vaccaro (Mr. Jimmy) was honored for his years of commitment to God and to our church and for always being willing to assist in whatever way he could. He was recognized for being a good Christian father and husband.

Our guest speaker, Ms. Yvonne Deel (Ms. Von) shared a short but sweet inspirational devotion with them as there were so many special items prepared for these fathers that we ran out of time. Sorry Ms. Von for cutting you short.

It cannot go unmentioned that our Men’s Group was VERY instrumental in getting all these fathers out as they set aside a Saturday afternoon and went out and invited the fathers of the community to our Father’s Day Service. Great job guys!!! You made the service even more special as it was such a blessing to see all these fathers in church with their families by their side.

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