Mar 2, 2008

Family Church Day 2008

This year, for the first time, our church will be having a Family Church Day. It will be on Saturday, March 22nd and will be from 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. The registration fee is $2.00 per person and all are asked to wear a white t-shirt. The day will be packed with all sort of activities for every member of the family. Participants will be placed in teams that will compete to be the champions at the end of the day. For all those who want to be a part of this day the last day to register is March 12th So make sure that you don't miss out on the fun by registering and being on time. Christians please pray for this day as this is a chance for us to socialize, have fun and just let loose in a Godly setting. Volunteers are welcomed to be a part of the planning committee for this day. It's going to be fun, fun fun!!!


Anonymous said...

WOW! You are busy and I love reading about it. I look forward to seeing Rev. Claudio and Clemmie in May.

What date are you thinking about for youth camp?

God Bless,
Cindy Lambert

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