Nov 4, 2008

Clergy Appreciation Month

October began with our church getting ready for a fund raising event on the 11th. At the Annual Conference in August each church had committed to having a fund raiser to assist the conference with the cost of our annual church camp. This fundraiser was supported by the Youths, the Ladies Group and the Men’s Group. Although the day vas very rainy people still came out to support our yard sale. We were blessed to raise more funds that we had anticipated and we thank God for people who are willing to do his work even while getting a little wet.

This month was also celebrated as clergy appreciation month. We can never miss an opportunity to thank those who lead us and to show it to them publicly. The month began with the first Sunday being dedicated to our Pastor, his wife and their two girls. We can never repay them for the sacrifices they make on a daily basis for us as individuals, as a church and as a community. Their lives are not their own; it is shared with others. Gifts were presented to them from the various ministries within our church and the service was dedicated entirely to them. Their gratitude for this outpouring of love and support was evident and they addressed the congregation sharing their thanks as well as pledging their dedication to continuing God’s work within our church and our community.

While we took the Sunday to express our appreciation for them as a group the ladies group held a surprise breakfast for Ms. Alice on the 19th and the Men’s group had a Bar-B-Q for the Pastor on the 25th. Not to be outdone the youths also held a special games night in honor of Amari for all her sacrifices as a pastor’s daughter. And little Lexie was also not forgotten as her Sunday school class blessed her with cute little gifts.

The last Sunday in October was taken to recognize and to thank all those in our church who are involved in the church's various ministries and to encourage them to continue giving of themselves, their time and their resources for God's work. We realize that without the support of these individuals that many of these ministries would not be successful and our church is truly grateful to have so many people working together to spread the gospel.

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